名稱 First name
姓氏 Surname
性別 Gender
年齡組別 Age group
你有否飼養寵物? What pets do you have?
可選多項 Can choose multiple answers
請填寫你的電郵地址,以透過電郵收取優惠碼 Please input your email to receive the redemption code.

優惠條款及細則Terms & Conditions

1. 優惠碼將透過電郵發送至所提供的電郵地址。愛協恕不會為任何錯誤的電郵地址輸入負上任何責任。Offer code shall be sent via email to the provided email address. The SPCA (HK) is not responsible for any wrong email address inputs.

2. 每個優惠碼只可換取一份禮品、一次零售服務九折優惠,及一次寵物美容服務九折優惠。Each code can only be used to redeem 1x free gift, 1x 10% discount on retail services, and 1x 10% discount on grooming services.

3. 必須親自到青衣中心接待處以手機或打印本出示優惠碼,以換領免費禮品。Redemption of free gift must be made in person at the Reception at Tsing Yi Centre by showing the code using a mobile device or print out.

4. 免費禮品數量有限,先到先得,換完即止。Free gifts are available on a first-come first-serve basis, while stock lasts.

5. 顧客於付款前以手機或打印本出示優惠碼,即可在青衣中心零售服務中享有九折優惠。Customers may enjoy a 10% discount on retail services at the Tsing Yi Centre by showing the code using a mobile device or print out before payment.

6. 優惠碼不適用於任何愛協攤位、限定店舖及網上購物平台。The offer code is not valid for online purchases, SPCA booths or stalls outside of Tsing Yi Centre.

7. 顧客於付款前以手機或打印本出示優惠碼,即可在青衣中心寵物美容服務(Hair Force 3)中享有九折優惠。Customers may enjoy a 10% discount on grooming services at Hair Force 3 in the Tsing Yi Centre by showing the code using a mobile device or print out before payment.

8. 寵物美容服務九折優惠只適用於寵物全套沖洗、全套沖洗+剷身留頭尾,或全套沖洗+修毛服務。優惠碼不適用於購買愛協寵物美容現金券。The 10% discount is applicable to full-set, full-set + body clip, and full-set + body trim grooming services. The discount cannot be used for the purchase of grooming vouchers.

9. 九折優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用。The 10% discount cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers.

10. 九折優惠不適用於愛協會藉申請及續會。The 10% discount does not apply to membership applications and renewals.

11. 所有免費禮品及九折優惠必須於2024年7月31日或之前兌換,越期作廢。All redemptions, both free gift and 10% discount on retail and grooming services, must be made on or before 31 July 2024.

12. 愛協保留修訂優惠條款及細則之權利而毋須另行通知。如有爭議,愛協將保留優惠之最終裁決權。 Terms and conditions of this offer code are subject to change without prior notice. In case of any dispute, the decision of the SPCA (HK) shall be final. 

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